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Why is it Taking FOREVER to Write my Book?


It feels like it’s taking FOREVER because...

Writing is a Process 

When we come up with a book idea, that’s just the start to the journey. We then gotta write it (and that’s not a linear path), get feedback, revise it, edit/proofread, and decide on the mode of publishing. And none of that happens overnight! It takes time! 

Our Creativity Ebbs & Flows

We’re not going to feel creative at every single second of every single day. It’s often not a steady stream. It needs to be cultivated and nurtured, respected and replenished. And, again, that can take time. 

We Need Time & Space from Our Writing

We will get stuck or be stumped along the journey toward writing a book, and one of the best ways to deal with that is taking time away from writing. It can help with creativity and objectivity. 

Life Happens

Most of us don’t exist in an ivory tower as we write. We’ve got kids and jobs and pets and other problems and obligations, in addition to writing a book. Life can 100% get in the way, and that’s okay. You’re a human. 

At the end of the day, writing a book is gunna take as long as it’s gunna take. 

Give yourself grace. It’s okay if it feels like forever. There’s nothing wrong with you.

Enjoy the journey. 






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© Meghan Hurley-Powell 2024
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